The Next Second Tuesday Race Forum is on Dec 8th at 7 PM in the Sanctuary Parlor

Our next meeting is in 3 weeks on Tuesday December 8th at 7 PM at the Park Hill United Methodist Church at Montview Blvd and Glencoe St. in Denver. We will be meeting in the Santuary Parlor this month, on the left just inside the door from the parking lot.

Won't you please join us!.


Review of Ideas from “Between the World and Me”

Ta-Nehisi Coates has written a memoir directed to his teenage son with the title, Between the World and Me. It has become a best-seller and lots of people are reading and talking about it. In our December conversation we will explore several themes from his book.

Coates frequently uses the phrase “people who believe they are white,” highlighting the invention of race and whiteness and the impact it has on society. He also explores the significance of the Dream held so dearly by Americans, how it was built on the backs of Black bodies, genocide, and conquered land, and how this Dream has become toxic to everyone.

I hope you will be able to read some or all of Between the World and Me and notice which parts you have to wrestle with. I read it in a single weekend. (the Tattered Cover has 53 copies in stock at the Colfax Store as I write)

There are numerous online interviews and talks with Coates. You will find a March 2015 video at: