Monthly Archives: December 2016

The January/February 2017 issue of The Atlantic has a cover story which is a compelling account of President Barak Obama’s journey to the White House written by Ta-Nehisi Coates. For many young people he is the only President they have known.
This short 4-minute animation uses recordings from conversations Coates had with the President:
The full article is “My President Was Black: A history of the first African American White House – and of what came next,” and is at this link:

Our December meeting with be next week, December 13th,  at the Park Hill United Methodist Church at Montview Blvd and Glencoe St. in Denver. The meeting will start at 7 PM.

Again this month we will be having our meeting downstairs in the youth lounge.

Internalized Racism

There are several levels of Racism.  One of the most enduring forms is Internalized Racism. There are also other oppressions (sexism, heterosexism, classism, etc) and they each have several levels too, including internalized oppressions. The discussion in December will look at how we internalize the ideological ideas of oppressions and the impact they have on maintaining the cycle of Racism.

Please review the attached document, “The Four I’s of Oppression,” and think about any reflections you would like to share in a fishbowl exercise. The paper is about the four levels of oppressions and how those levels interact to reinforce their own and each others oppressons.

We will use a series of fishbowl discussions to explore how internalized oppression show up in our lives and what ideas we have to deal with it. We are hoping for practical ways to support each other and face the rapidly shifting attitudes in the culture. We plan to explore these ideas with a serires of fishbowl exercises, with different groups in the bowl.
