From Derrick Young Jr., MPH

As Coronavirus spreads across the United States, Black Americans—who are not to blame—are hit the hardest. Black Americans continue to experience multigenerational systematic obstacles to access essential resources, quality health care, good jobs and safe living environments, which makes them much more vulnerable to COVID-19.

Derrick Young COVID-19

The information below is divided in the following format:

1) SUBJECT CATEGORY — Large Capital Numbered Font (ex. 01 — HEALTH)


3) Modern Inequities are solid-bulleted and italicized (ex. Limited Access to Essential Resources)



Unethical Medical Experimentation

  • Medical Distrust: Black Americans report higher levels of medical distrust than White Americans and are less likely to visit a primary care doctor [Source 1][Source 2][Source 3].

    • COVID-19 IMPACT:

      Disproportionate # of COVID19 cases/deaths

      Lack of trust in hospitals, doctors, prevention guidance, contact tracing, vaccine, and treatment due to generational experiences and trauma.

Hospital Segregation/Provider Bias/ Discrimination/Racism/Limited Access to Insurance

  • Increased Risk for Preventable Diseases: 72% more likely to have diabetes; 20% more likely to be obese; 20% more likely to have asthma; and 8X more likely to be diagnosed with HIV [Source 1][Source 2].

    • COVID-19 IMPACT:

      Disproportionate # of COVID19 cases/deaths

      People of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions are at higher risk for severe illness and death from COVID-19.

Zoning/Neighborhood Segregation

  • Limited Access to Essential Resources: Full-service grocery stores; Adequately resourced healthcare providers; Clean Air, Water, and Green Space [Source].

    • COVID-19 IMPACT:

      Disproportionate # of COVID19 cases/deaths

      -More likely to travel farther and more often for groceries and other essential needs.

      -More likely to not have testing near home or safe transportation to testing.

      -Higher risk for severe symptoms due to underlying conditions.


Red Lining/Housing Discrimination

  • Homeownership Gap: White Rate = 73.7%/Black Rate = 44% [Source]

    • COVID-19 IMPACT:

      Disproportionate # of COVID19 cases/deaths

      -Lack of multi-room homes suitable for self-isolating, which puts other family members at risk.

Employment Discrimination

  • Wealth Gap: Median White Family Wealth = $171,000/Median Black Family Wealth = $17,600 [Source][Source 2][Source 3][Source 4]

    • COVID-19 IMPACT:

      Disproportionate # of cases, Unemployment and Homelessness

      -Due to limited access to high-wage jobs, many essential workers (grocery, food-service, custodial) are Black and cannot stay at home.

      -Black workers are the last hired and first fired.

      -Black families do not have safety nets to sustain them during quarantine and shutdown orders.


School Segregation

  • Quality Education Access: Districts serving mostly students of color receive roughly $2,000  less per student than districts with the fewest students of color [Source 1][Source 2].

    • COVID-19 IMPACT:

      Widened Racial Achievement Gaps

      Teachers/Students/Parents do not have access to or familiarity with tech (WiFi, laptops) needed for online learning.


  • Over Policing: “Zero-tolerance” policies criminalize minor infractions of school rules. Police in schools lead to students being criminalized for behavior that should be handled inside the school [Source 1][Source 2].

    • COVID-19 IMPACT:

      Disproportionate # of COVID19 cases/deaths

      Black Americans are incarcerated more than 5X  the rate of White Americans, which increases risk for COVID-19 due to restricted movement, confined spaces, and limited medical care in prisons.

Anti-Literacy Laws

  • Literacy Gaps: Due to restricted and limited access to information and resources, 46% of White students compared to 17% of Black students scored at or above proficient on the National Assessment of Educational Progress 12th Grade Reading Level Assessment [Source].

    • COVID-19 IMPACT:

      Disproportionate # of COVID19 cases/deaths

      -Continuous spread of misinformation due to delays and gaps in information sharing.

      -Difficulty reading,  understanding, and accessing dense prevention guidance and rapidly evolving government policies.