October Meeting – Resiliency in Emotionally Triggering Times

This Month in History we will reflect on October 11, 1944, when U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments in Korematsu v. United States, which upheld the constitutionality of the internment of Japanese Americans during WWII. STRF-member Alvin Seichi Otsuka will share his experience as a Japanese American, and the extent of intergenerational healing that is needed.

We will then bring the theme of resiliency to the present, specifically the topic of the Senate Hearings, and the re-triggering of so many of us based on Professor Blasey Ford’s powerful testimony. How do you practice resiliency? How can we take care of ourselves and our communities in this current treacherous environment? What do we need from each other?

Please join us for an evening of peaceful mindfulness.

Please note that I am posting this on the day after the meeting. Sorry for my failure to get the posting up on time!