Our First Meeting of the 2019-2020 Fall Season on Sept 10th at 7 PM at PHUMC

What challenged you this summer? Moving from anger/despair to solidarity, transformation, and liberation
From a social justice standpoint, this has been a challenging summer on many fronts. For our kickoff to the 2019-2020 STRF year, we’d like to give you the opportunity to share how events have challenged or disturbed you, consider the impact on our health/wellbeing, and strategize actions we can take to move forward for healing, transformation, and liberation.

Accessing the Forum
Please remember to come into the church from the large parking lot on the north side of the church that is accessible off of Glencoe St, that is just east of the church. The door to the church you should use is the one that opens onto that parking lot. If you have passengers with mobility difficulties, you can pull up to that entrance and then park in the lot or on the street. We will be meeting downstairs in the Youth Lounge this month. Take the stairs to the right side just inside the door, or the elevator in the short hallway across from the entrance.